Our Team


Josh Lasky

Josh Lasky

Director of the Office of Sustainability

Josh Lasky serves as Director of the Office of Sustainability. He has dedicated his career to advancing sustainability and social impact, implementing strategic change across public, private, and non-profit sectors. Most recently, Josh served as Managing Director and Chief Strategist for LINK Strategic Partners, a GW-alumni led social impact consulting firm that works with clients to engage and empower audiences to learn, share, and take action. During his five years at LINK, the firm added 300 new clients to its portfolio and built core practice areas in sustainability, strategic planning, and organizational development. Prior to joining LINK, Josh worked to build strategic partnerships in various roles at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and held a joint-faculty staff appointment at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC), where he launched the university-wide sustainability initiative and served as UDC’s first instructor of Urban Sustainability. Josh holds a Master’s in public administration and a Bachelor’s in political science from GW. During his term as a Presidential Administrative Fellow, Josh served as the GW Office of Sustainability's first staff member. He is a recipient of the George Washington Award and serves as a board member of Climate Ride, a non-profit that organizes life-changing charitable outdoor adventures. Josh can be reached at [email protected].

Photo of Juliana Carvalho

Juliana Carvalho

Engagement Associate, Office of Sustainability

Juliana Carvalho is the Engagement Associate at the Office of Sustainability. She works with GW students, staff, and faculty to shape culture around sustainability and oversees The Loop, GW's Free Clothing Exchange, and the Eco-Reps and Green Office Network programs. Juliana earned a Master of Environmental Management degree from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. Her research focused on environmental communication and community-led wildlife conservation. Prior to her time at George Washington University, she served as the Stanback Fellow at Defenders of Wildlife, researching solutions to promote coexistence between humans and wildlife. Juliana holds a B.S. in Biology and Evolutionary Anthropology from Duke University. She can be reached at [email protected].

Photo of Colin O'Brien

Colin O'Brien

Sustainability Associate

Colin O’Brien is a Sustainability Associate with the Office of Sustainability. He manages a variety of Zero Waste initiatives including composting, recycling, textile reuse, and Green Move Out. A graduate of the Elliott School, Colin earned a minor in Sustainability along with a B.A. in International Affairs. As a student-employee, Colin led the Eco Rep program for two years, organizing dozens of GW students around sustainability issues like reducing water and energy consumption, and significantly expanded student access to composting. He can be reached at [email protected].

Sophie Jones Headshot

Sophie Jones

Sustainability Project Associate

Sophie Jones is the Sustainability Project Associate for the Office of Sustainability. She works as the bridge between the Office of Sustainability, and various facilities offices, ensuring that projects prioritize sustainability goals. Prior to her start at GW, Sophie went to Elon University where she earned an undergraduate degree in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, and a minor in Business Administration. During that time, she interned with Loy Solar Farm and Common Ground EcoVillage in North Carolina, and Punta Campanella Marine Park in Campagnia, Italy. She can be reached at [email protected].

Abby Mittendorf

Abigail Mittendorf

Intern | Compost Programs

Abby Mittendorf interns with the Compost Educator program. Abby is majoring in Environmental Studies with minors in GIS and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). 




Addy Dunbar

Adelaide Dunbar

Intern | Eco-Reps

Adelaide Dunbar interns with the Eco-Reps program. Adelaide is majoring in International Affairs with a concentration in International Environmental Studies and a minor in Public Policy. 



Adrianna Celtruda

Adrianna Celtruda

Intern | GroW Garden

Adrianna is an environmental science major with a minor in GIS and currently interning under the office of sustainability as a GroW Garden Manager.




Amina Gueye

Amina Gueye

Intern | Mount Vernon Community Garden 

Amina Gueye (she/her) is interning as an MVC Community Garden Manager under the Office of Sustainability. She is majoring in International affairs with a concentration in development and a minor in entrepreneurship.



Ava Hurley

Ava Hurley

Intern | Food Recovery Network

Ava Hurley is interning with the Food Recovery Network as the GWU Chapter Co-President. She is studying Environmental Science with a concentration in Ecological Management, and a minor in biology. 




Christen Chappelle

Christen Chappelle

Intern | Compost Programs

Christen Chappelle interns with the Composter Educator program. She is majoring in Environmental Sciences with a focus on Ecological Management. 




Colin Bohula

Colin Bohula

Intern | GroW Garden

Colin is a political science major with a minor in economics and history, currently serving as one of the garden managers at the Foggy Bottom Grow Garden. He grew up gardening with his grandpa at his home garden and looks forward to bringing gardening to the city campus.



Elizabeth Hajosy

Elizabeth Hajosy

Intern | GroW Garden

Elizabeth Hajosy, native of South Carolina, is studying International Affairs and Spanish at GWU and her interests include law and sustainability. 




Emily Meltzer

Emily Meltzer

Intern | Eco-Reps

Emily Meltzer interns with the Eco-Reps program. Emily is majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in both Sustainability and Political Science.




Placeholder Photo

Eva Howe

Intern | Mount Vernon Community Garden

Eva (they/she) is a gardener at the Mount Vernon Campus. She is majoring in political science and minoring in food leadership. In her free time, they love to cook, eat, and care for her house plants..




Jackson Dueweke

Jackson Dueweke 

Intern | Compost Programs

Jackson Dueweke interns with the Compost Educator program. Jackson is majoring in Environmental Studies with minors in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Political Science.




Lauren Ayuen

Lauren Ayuen

Intern | Food Recovery Network

Lauren Ayuen is interning with the Food Recovery Network as the GWU Chapter’s Co-President. She is studying Sociology with a double minor in psychology and sustainability. 




Niharika Sen

Niharika Sen

Intern | Textile Reuse

Niharika Sen is a Textile Reuse Intern for the Office of Sustainability. She is majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Marketing.



Paulina Timme

Paulina Timme

Intern | Eco-Reps

Paulina Timme is an Eco-Reps intern at the Office of Sustainability. Paulina is majoring in International Affairs with a concentration in International Environmental Studies.




Ruth Holliday

Ruth Holliday

Intern | Textile Reuse

Ruth is a Textile Reuse Intern for the Office of Sustainability. She is majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in GIS. 




Ryan G

Ryan Geoghegan

Intern | Compost Programs

Ryan interns with the Compost Educator program. He is majoring in Environmental & Sustainability Science with minors in GIS and Fine Arts. 




Sam Draisen

Sam Draisen

Intern | Eco-Reps

Sam Draisen is an intern with the Eco-Reps Team. He is a passionate sustainability organizer majoring in Political Science with minors in History and American Studies. 




Samantha Selorio

Samantha Selorio

Graduate Intern | Marketing and Communications

Samantha is pursuing her Master of Public Health degree in Health Policy and serving as a DC Metro Urban Health Fellow at GW. Prior to GW, she was involved in the health communications and community engagement space with local nonprofits in South Florida, doing work on social media strategies and event planning. She enjoys crocheting, spending time with cats, and joining social dance classes. 



Sasha Nathan

Sasha Nathan

Intern | Compost Programs

Sasha Nathan is an intern with the Compost Educator program. Sasha is majoring in environmental science and plans to minor in Philosophy.




Sofia Tjia

Sofia Tjia

Intern | Textile Reuse

Sofia is majoring in International Affairs with a concentration in Environmental Studies. in 2023-2024 she was a Sustainability Research Fellow and led a project focusing on reducing energy consumption in student housing. In her free time, Sofia loves to thrift, read, and crochet.



Tal Kamara

Tal Kamara 

Intern | Compost Programs

Tal Kamara interns with the Compost Educator program. He majors in American Studies with a minor in Sustainability.




Vidya Muthupillai


Vidya Muthupillai

Intern | Engagement

Vidya interns with the Office of Sustainability. She majors in Political Science and International Affairs with an International Environmental Studies Concentration, and minors in Sustainability.



Vidya Shah

Vidya Shah

Intern | Eco-Reps

Vidya interns with the Eco-Reps program at the Office of Sustainability. She is majoring in Economics with a double minor in Sustainability and Computer Science.




Our Student Organization Partners

Several GW student organizations have missions related to sustainability.  The GW Center for Student Engagement has resources to help students join, form, and manage student organizations. Search for these organizations on GW Engage.

GW Engage

The Responsible Fashion Collective is a collective of students and faculty at GW aiming to teach students about sustainable fashion practices. They organize upcycling workshops, knitting circles, thrift pop-up shops, and other programming. Follow their instagram account @rfcollective.gwu to learn more.

The Environmental and Energy Law Association brings together law students to provide educational, career and networking opportunities.

Food Recovery Network aims to tackle both food waste and hunger by collecting food that would otherwise be thrown away from restaurants and catered events.

Orca works to educate the community about the injustices posed by environmental degradation, racism and the global climate crisis, build student power, increase transparency and democracy within our University institutions, and pursue a moral strategy of sustainable investment.

Green GW works to make the university more eco-friendly and spread awareness of environmental issues to the student body.

The Humanitarian Mapping Society brings together those who seek to render aid and improve the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects.

Net Impact GW Chapter mobilizes next-generation leaders to use their skills and careers to make a positive impact on the world.

GroW Community offers students and community members a space to engage with sustainable agricultural practices, consider issues of food access and food sovereignty in Washington D.C., and cultivate community around food. The GroW Community also facilitates a CSA program you can sign up for using GWorld.

Take Back the Tap is an initiative to transition from using single use plastic water bottles to reusable, refillable bottles. 

Environmental Justice Action Network is dedicated to advancing and bringing awareness to the field of Environmental Justice.

GW TRAiLS stands for "Teaching Recreation and Adventure incorporating Leadership and Service." They are a group of students serving the GW community by planning and leading outdoor adventure trips throughout the year. As a departmental organization in the CSE, GW TRAiLS is a private, non-profit learning institution that is run by GW students.

Veg Out is a community of students interested in veganism and the issues that intersect with animal agriculture. We strive to make plant-based eating more accessible to the GW community and delve into issues such as animal ethics and sustainability.

OneWorld GW is a non-partisan environmental organization dedicated to combating climate change, building a sustainable future, and reconnecting students with the natural world. Through service and storytelling, OneWorld inspires students to Think Globally and Act Locally about our collective responsibility to care for the planet. 

The Student Association at George Washington University represents over 27000 undergraduate and graduate students in Washington DC. The mission of The George Washington University Student Association is to further the interests and promote the welfare of all students at GW. Our responsibilities are defined in four ways: to advocate, allocate, advertise, and assist.

The GW Association of Energy Engineers (GW AEE) seeks to train future sustainable energy leaders equipped to deal with 21st century challenges. Visit AEE's website to learn more.

Does your organization belong on this list? Let us know! Email Juliana Carvalho at the Office of Sustainability at [email protected].